Data on the minimum wage, the lowest and highest monthly contribution base for compulsory social insurance, the non-taxable amount of salaries and the amount of the premium for additional voluntary health insurance and pension contribution to the voluntary pension fund for the month of October 2020.

Payroll data that are applied from October 1 to 31, 2020:

Number of hours per month * for salary calculations for the month of September that are paid in October = 176 176

Minimum net salary * for calculations of salaries for the month of September that are paid in October = 30,367.04 30,367.04

Minimum gross salary * for calculations of salaries for the month of September that are paid in October = 40,994.35 40,994.35

Lowest monthly contribution base for compulsory social insurance 25,801

Highest monthly contribution base for compulsory social insurance 368,590

Non-taxable amount of earnings 16,300

Non-taxable amount of premium for additional voluntary health insurance and pension contribution to the voluntary pension fund 5,984

Information on the average salary paid in July 2020.

July 2020 Gross earnings Net earnings

A total of 83,016 60,029

The reference interest rate is 1.25%. The discount interest rate is equal to the reference interest rate.

The default interest rate is 9.25%.

The interest for untimely paid public revenues is 11.25%.

Minimum net salary = 172.54 dinars * 176 x = 30,367.04 dinars

Minimum gross salary = (30,367.04 –1,630) /0,701 = 40,994.35 dinars

The lowest and highest monthly bases are applied in the amount that is in force in the month in which the salary is paid, regardless of the month for which the payment is made.

Sources: Announcement of the Republic Statistical Office No. 259